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Aliens & UFO's

UFO Image Taken in Montana in 1977 - Middle of the day in a field in Montana you can see this clear picture of an Unidentified Flying Object in disk form, hovering over some cattle.

UFO Picture Taken in the United Kingdom in 1954 - Flying over the trees on a cool summer evening someone looked up and snaped this picture of a UFO. Notice the strange bottom of the UFO picture, it's unlike many we see high in the sky and appears to be some kind of landing gear.


UFO Picture taken in Belgium in 1990 - These are some pretty good pictures of the triangle shaped UFO that has been seen around lately in the last 40 years or so. Perhaps a new design from our extraterrestrial friends in the skyUFO Picture taken in Belgium in 1990 - These are some pretty good pictures of the triangle shaped UFO that has been seen around lately in the last 40 years or so. Perhaps a new design from our extraterrestrial friends in the sky

This top secrete KGB tape surfaced when supposedly a group of film makers and producers paid $10,000 for the UFO footage and labeled it "The Secret KGB UFO Files" 
The film takes place in Sverdlovsk, Russia (formerly Yekaterinburg) in March of 1969. In the KGB footage you see the Military and scientists responding to a UFO crash where a UFO fell from the sky and was jammed almost half way into the ground at an angle.There were many documents that were released with the film as well as the actual film canisters from the film itself.
When you look at the video you can clearly see the authenticity, The soldiers are dressed appropriately for the times and the vehicles used are the same make and model as were used in the KGB around this time.As with all UFO and Alien sightings there are many people out there that have been trying to debunk the video saying it was simply a hoax. This video however is much to real to be made by an amateur photographer. If it is indeed a hoax there was a lot of money spent and they did there research on the KGB before hand. There for until someone comes forth with the film set footage or some other concrete proof we have nothing else but to believe that this is a real UFO crash in Russia that was covered up until a corrupt official decided to sell out with the truth.

The real evidence is in the video though. It starts off with the military heading out to the crash site in the snow. If this were a fake video made by a film crew there would be many more footprints and vehical tracks then are there when there entering the site. Unfortunatly you don't get to see them unearth the craft but only them carring off the tree and metallic debri. In the files that came with the film it was documented that there was also an organic being inside the space craft and the being had been sent for an autopsy and then destroyed. This is a must see video for anyone that believes and everyone who does not.

Watch the video of the crashed UFO below

This is a great shot taken  in 1996 hovering over a city. It seems to be the traditional saucer shaped UFO that the aliens use to study Earth.from a video in Mexico

In the top right of the picture that was apparently taken on January of 2004 you can see a UFO and if you look at Railroad crossing signals they are going off but no train. This seems to be a common occurrence when UFOs are around, they often disorientate different kinds of electronics.

We've been seeing a lot of pictures of this type of UFO in the last ten or twenty years it seems like a very popular one. These pics were taken in the US in a parking lot in Pennsylvania by someone grocery shopping.

An ex engineer from the Roswell Crash drew up these basic plans to help the world understand how a Flying saucer functions and that UFO's and aliens are real and visit the earth on a regular basis.
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